Technology change has affected most sectors of life. Some of the skills that employees had are becoming null and void because of new technologies and they have to learn new skills, so as to cope with the changes. Fortunately with the internet and the computers, it is now possible to learn and train employees electronically. Learning Management Systemsare software platforms that facilitates such online learning and training. This software makes it possible for a person to create learning materials of any kind, manage them and distribute them to other people.
The LMS is a learning and management tool. It is a learning tool because it is used to dispense training curricula. It is a management tool because you use it to organize and manage the courses by creating them, changing them, assigning them to students or employees. Just like word document that gives a person an opportunity to write documents, or Gmail that makes it possible to manage emails, LSM works on the same criteria. It provides a platform to create an electronic coursework, manage its continued use over time and deliver it with unique scope and elasticity.